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Posted on: 25/02/2022Science Museum Trip
Report on Science Museum, London (From Ventus, 7C)
This is our first time as a class to be given this fantastic opportunity to be able to visit the Science Museum in London. It was Thames Park’s first trip as a school, and being on public transport, representing our secondary school. We all had an amazing time on our trip, and as a group, we all felt that we were happy to be together as friends.
How did we feel?
AP- As it was a massive building, and trying to find everything, it was stressful yet wonderful at the same time, because you were able to experience being able to do more things, and learn more about everyone in your group (while learning about science!)
AP- At first, I thought everyone would get lost and there would be a lot of chaos and I thought I would find it boring, but it was all quite the opposite. The staff and students were all weary of each other and knowing how to keep each other safe. It was an engaging, exciting time, and I loved the architecture and feeling in the building.
KMB- My favorite place in the museum was the mechanics section, and it was fantastic to learn more about my favorite topic, and look at the different opportunities and choices in the mechanical world.
IS- Since it was a big place, I was really nervous. However, I enjoyed seeing the mathematics and space section the most, because of the history behind them both. It was so much fun to learn about!
LB- I really and most truly enjoyed this experience because it made me feel free and to look around with my friends as they were really supportive of what I wanted to look at, my most favorite bit about the museum was the planes and how they looked and what kind of planes they had .
According to these reviews, we’re all sure that everyone in Thames Park that visits the Science Museum next will definitely enjoy their time there, and certainly learn a lot, with the factual, big and colorful signs, as well as staff there to answer questions and help fulfil your visit! We all had an excellent time, and I’m sure everyone else will too.