16/12/2020End of Term AssemblyAn exciting end to our first term with readings, songs and music from our pupils to celebrate Christmas.
10/12/2020Parent GovernorsWe are also delighted to announce that we have appointed four parent governors, Mrs Adewa-Faboro, Mrs Allwright, Mr Falayi and Miss Jaroni
07/12/2020Art & Design House CompetitionArt and Design organised a popular Christmas card competition. All the pupils worked hard on their designs during their Graphic lessons and the worthy House winners were as follows:Aqua - Abe and Callum, Ventus - Julia and Damian, Terra - Georgiana and Courtney, Silva - Aishat and Julia
07/12/2020Foodbank ChallengeWe have been thrilled by the enormous generosity from the Thames Park community. We will be making a positive impact to many local families during this difficult time. Well done Terra house for organizing this challenge.
07/12/2020School ClosureDue to coronavirus the school will be closed from 7th December. We will move to remote learning for all pupils.
04/12/2020House Maths ChallengeFriday 4th December saw our first ever Interhouse Maths Challenge. Competing were 2 teams of 4 students from each house; Terrabots, Terraburgers, Silva Surfers, Super Silva, Ventus Vented, Valiant Ventus, Aquaticians and Aquarians. All teams performed extremely well, remaining resilient through some tough problem-solving questions. 1st place: Terraburgers, 2nd place: Valiant Ventus and 3rd place: Aquaticians.