SEND Information
We aim to help our students to learn the value of and to appreciate their individual strengths and to develop their potential. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum and ensure that each child feels valued within the school community. We do all we can to ensure that every child will leave school with core skills, such as literacy, numeracy and social and emotional independence.
We believe that our students have the right to access a curriculum where work activities can be done at a variety of levels and in a variety of different ways to meet individual needs. Our Special Education Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCo) works closely with all teachers and learning support assistants, as they all have a role in meeting Special Education and Disability Needs. The SEND department endeavours to break down barriers to learning a pupil may face through a variety of interventions. Interventions and support put in place will be tailored to each child's individual strengths and needs.
We aim to involve parents at every stage, in any plans made to meet a child’s special needs.
Special Educational Needs Coordinator(SENCo): Miss L.King l.king.tss@osborne.coop
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