Student Support
Our students' wellbeing is incredibly important to all members of staff at TPSS. We have mental health and wellbeing running throughout our curriculum and tied to the co-operative values of self-responsibility, openness, self-help and caring for others. All staff are trained to look out for and support our students.
We also make sure that for those who need extra intervention there is a range of support such as individual mentoring, intervention groups for anxiety, bereavement and anger management.
Students who are unwell
A student who becomes ill at school should report to the teacher whose lesson is being attended. If a student feels unwell while not in a lesson, he/she should go straight to the Medical Room. Our medical room is staffed by our staff who are trained to deal with medical emergencies, such as injuries and illnesses and to support students with long term health conditions.
The school works closely with the district school nursing team and other health professionals to ensure that the medical needs of our students are met, including the coordination of vaccination programmes in school. Parents should contact the school to discuss medical concerns and students can see the Pastoral Support team for advice on medical or health issues. The Pastoral Support team works hard to ensure that parents can send their children to school, confident that the Pastoral team will monitor their health and keep them informed.
Should a student need to be sent home during the school day this will happen only if it can be confirmed that there is a responsible person to receive the student. It is mainly for this reason that we ask students' to provide an emergency telephone number for contacting parents, or someone who will be responsible for the student's safety. To ensure safety for all, students should not contact you directly before attending the Medical Room as many minor ailments can be dealt with by the Pastoral Support Officer.
Great stress is placed upon punctuality and regular attendance. Absence can officially be excused only for the personal illness of the student. On the first day of absence, parents must telephone the
Absence Line on 01375 470790 to say why their child is absent and when they are likely return to school.
If no call is received, the school will communicate via text/email home to find out the reason for unauthorised non-attendance. If no response is received the team will follow up with a telephone call. This is to ensure the safety of students. Any absence which is not excused in this way will be followed up and may be passed to the school's Attendance Officer and Educational Welfare Officer for investigation.