Attendance and Punctuality

Attendance and punctuality are essential for academic success. When students attend school regularly, they are able to learn the material and participate in class activities. They are also more likely to develop positive relationships with their teachers and classmates. Punctuality is important for the same reasons. When students arrive to school on time, they are ready to learn and they do not disrupt the learning of others.

Students can show self-responsibility by coming to school every day and by being on time to school and lessons. Students should show self help by using their student portal app to check their timetables before the school day starts to ensure they know where they are going.

Any pupil arriving later than registration should enter school via the main entrance reporting to the school office. If accompanied, a parent/carer should give a reason for the lateness, which will be added to the register. The pupil will then be sent to their classroom. Where persistent lateness gives cause for concern a Penalty Notice may be issued. Pupils who are consistently late are disrupting not only their own education but also that of others. Arriving late can be embarrassing for the pupil which may then encourage further absence. Good timekeeping is an important life skill which will help our pupils as they move through their school life and out into the wider world.

Late arrival the beginning of the school day, to any lesson and/or tutor registration will incur a late mark.


Absence reporting

To report a student's absence from school please call the main school number (01375 470790) and choose option 2

or email

To request a leave of absence please click here to complete a leave of absence request.


Time off due to illness

Medical evidence to be provided within 24 hours where possible. 

Medical appointments will not be authorised without medical evidence.


Time off school required


At least 5 days from the onset of the rash and until all blisters have crusted over

Diarrhoea and Vomiting

24 hours after their last episode

Cold and flu-like illness (including COVID-19)

They no longer have a high temperature and feel well enough to attend.


Their sores have crusted and healed, or 48 hours after they started antibiotics


4 days after the rash first appeared


5 days after the swelling started


They’ve had their first treatment

Scarlet fever

24 hours after they started taking antibiotics

Whooping cough

48 hours after they started taking antibiotics


No absence is required for the conditions below but please do inform the school if a students has any of the following

Hand, foot and mouth

Head lice


Glandular fever



N.B Students no longer need to be tested for Covid 19 unless requested by a medical professional.