Aims of the school
Thames Park Secondary School’s vision is to provide a high-quality, comprehensive, and meaningful education for all learners by delivering an engaging curriculum in a safe and inspirational environment where high standards and expectations encourage success.
Our curriculum aims to develop the well-being of the whole pupil in physical, mental and spiritual terms. This is built upon and driven by our shared co-operative values that underpin how pupils work and study in our everyday lives.
We will empower our learners so they can apply their acquired skills and knowledge and confidently express themselves throughout their lives and future careers.
Our curriculum enables pupils to be creative and intellectually curious; to approach new opportunities with confidence; to learn to think for themselves while being mindful of the needs and views of others. This rich knowledge-based curriculum will enable pupils to be successful educated citizens.
Our curriculum is ambitious for all pupils and….
· Develops the academic skills that build scholarship for all pupils.
· Ensures pupils think about how their thinking and develop the skills of metacognition
· Ensures pupils develop first class skills in reading, writing, thinking, speaking and presentation.
· Is planned to ensure that every pupil regardless of prior attainment or background receives the same broad and knowledge-based curriculum.
· Is equal, equitable and inclusive for all pupils, providing the opportunity to study all subjects.
· Is planned with cutting edge digital learning to accelerate the progress of pupils
· Ensures varied opportunities for every pupil to develop cultural literacy and cultural capital
· Is planned in conjunction with primary schools to ensure a smooth and happy transition to secondary school.
· Is carefully planned and scaffolded by teachers to ensure pupils of all abilities are taught the same knowledge and skills
· Is taught in a way that is based upon educational research.
Beyond the classroom our curriculum is aspirational, enhancing the deeper learning and knowledge acquisition of pupils. This wider curriculum aims to……
· Ensures pupils with the knowledge needed to be successful citizens
· Prepare pupils to take advantage of the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences in later life.
· Uses the local area to meet the wide range of pupil needs and interests.
· Exposes pupils to the best of what has been written, thought, and said.
· Develop cultural literacy to expand pupils’ vocabulary size and their confidence in the use of language.
· Use enrichment activities to allow pupils to develop their own specialities.
· Support the spiritual, mental, physical and emotional development of pupils within the school