Exam information 2024/25
Candidate Handbook
Our Candidate handbook is available to view here
February Pre-Public Examination (PPE)
The next season for Year 11 is taking place either side of the half term break, from Friday 7th to Friday 14th February, and Monday 24th to Friday 28th February 2025.
Exams are conducted under the rules of the Governing Bodies (JCQ and Exam Boards) and students are expected to follow these rules. For this reason, we strongly encourage students to leave all unauthorised items (e.g. mobile phones, watches, airpods/earbuds etc) at home.
Students are responsible for ensuring they are on time for every exam and have all of the equipment they might need.
Please see the links below for further information about exam regulations, unauthorised items and support for students regarding exams.
Exam Information for Candidates:
Coping with Exam Pressure
Information for Parents and Students
Preparing to Sit Your Exams Checklist
Information for Candidates - Written Examinations
Information for Candidates - Using Social Media
Information for Candidates - On-Screen Examinations
Information for Candidates - Non-Examination Assessments
Information for Candidates - Coursework Assessments
JCQ Privacy Notice
Please read the warning/information leaflets below. Failure to comply with these rules may result in disqualification.
Warning to Candidates
Unauthorised Items (mobile phones, watches etc.)
For our Examination Policies and all other exams documents, please see here.
Students at Thames Park School are offered GCSE (or equivalent) qualifications from four Exam Boards: OCR, Edexcel, AQA and WJEC. These sites have information about exam dates, past papers, and revision tips.
Future Pre-Public Examination seasons in 2025 (please note, these dates are provisional and are subject to change)
Year 10 –22nd April to 2nd May inclusive.
Summer GCE (A Level) and GCSE Exams
These exams are timetabled to run from Thursday 8th May to Wednesday 25th June, inclusive. ALL students are expected to be available up to, and including the 25th June, which is a contingency day.
GCSE Modern Language Speaking exams will be scheduled in April and May.
Certificate Collection
Past GCSE Certificates will be available for collection by appointment only. Please email
exams.tss@osborne.coop to arrange.
Mrs Kat Farrell – Exams Manager
Telephone: 01375 470790
email: exams.tss@osborne.coop
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Exams Handbook for Candidates |